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Understanding Lead Management

Essentially, lead management incorporates business process and technology to close the gap between marketing and sales. Implementing a lead management system will drive higher quality leads to sales by taking in unqualified leads from a variety of sources and segmenting them into campaigns. Then, the customer is placed in control of the messaging they receive based on their actions and behaviors.

Notwithstanding prevalent adoption and incorporation of CRM systems, many marketing and sales teams rely on internal solutions or manual processes to manage the lead cycle and it’s impact on the bottom-line. Due to lack of effective solutions aligning sales and marketing goals, marketing faces continuing challenges to develop effective revenue producing content and assets while delivering consistent brand messaging.

Relevant customer-focused content drives revenue. An effective lead management CRM is capable of providing insight into buyer behavior driving the biggest impact on the sales pipeline. When marketing is provided the insight into the formats and channels that perform the best, content can be tailored to the buyers needs.

Your company can no longer rely on template drip email campaigns and messaging. You must develop a personalized buyer experience creating messaging which leverages behavioral insights. This must be delivered at the right time in the right place, in the format the individual prefers.

Creating targeted marketing campaigns segmented with personal content and messaging will drive revenue. Using a lead management system specifically tailored to personalized content creation will allow you to realize the highest return on investment and permit your sales and marketing teams to focus on what they do best.

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